Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Could Have Sworn I Heard The Dog.

I don't suffer from insomnia. Okay, on second thought, maybe I do, but it's not my fault. And I shouldn't be complaining this morning since I slept until 6:00, but I had planned on sleeping much longer. Darn it.

If it's not a Punk wanting their music restarted, covers adjusted or just wondering what I'm doing, it's the hubster snoring (he doesn't hear anything) or the dog whining, pacing and yipping. 

And now, apparently, I dream about it because I could have sworn I heard the dog whining and doing his let me out dance. When I got downstairs, he was asleep on the living room floor and didn't even look up. The fuzzy jerk!

So I sacked out on the couch to catch a few more hours (if I'm lucky) of sleep only to find I couldn't fall back asleep. ARGH!

Wonder if I'll be able to squeeze in a nap today?


  1. Nice sketch spreads.
    Vivid dreams! I've had a lot of those. I hope you catch a nap. :)

  2. I shouldn't laugh at your insomnia but you always seem to see the humorous side of a situation. I'm a little behind in my blog reading but I hope you were able to squeeze in a nap.

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