Thursday, August 11, 2011

Funnel Cake Overload!

We try to make a trip to the local county fair every summer. Yesterday was the most perfect visit I've experienced yet — sunny skies with mild temperatures, really good funnel cakes, a flaming torch juggling unicycler, fun rides and last, but certainly not least, well-behaved Punks.
(Ran a high dynamic range (HDR) filter in photoshop to pump up the contrast.)
(Straight out of the camera)


  1. Well-behaved punks--top of the list! ;)

  2. That looks like our fair but we haven't had it yet... I love going to the fair, it's in a couple of weeks. Glad it was a beautiful day for you.

  3. Thanks everyone! And yeah, I lucked out on that last photo. The boy got on the Pharaoh's Boat at just the right time — the lights came on, the sky was gorgeous and I had my digital camera ready. I did run a high density filter on it, but the original shot was still cool. I'll have to post that, too.


Thank you for visiting! I'm so happy you stopped by!
