Monday, July 4, 2011

Yoo Hoo! Anybody Home?

I'm sorry for disappearing into the ether on you all. I didn't mean to leave you hanging, but last week was a little crazy. Between trucking Punks to swimming lessons and basketball camp I eked out time to run errands, do laundry and get ready for a birthday party. Oh, and I managed to sleep some, too. Drawing or blogging, however, got shoved to the back burner.

Things should be a little closer to normal this week and I'm planning on getting back in the swing. In the meantime, enjoy your Fourth Of July!


  1. Hope you had a nice 4th.
    Looks like a beautiful park area! :)

  2. Here's hoping you are returning to a schedule with a little more down time. Lovely drawing, karen.


Thank you for visiting! I'm so happy you stopped by!
