Friday, March 12, 2010

A Little Honesty ...

Honestly, this year's winter hasn't been that bad — just ignore the fact that we've had snow on the ground since December 27th.

Honestly, I love my family, but after 76 straight days stuck inside with them for almost all of the 1,824 hours in those days, I'm ready for a break.

Honestly, I know the Punks are wonderful little people, but you couldn't prove it by me — after observing them for 20 minutes, you might think that they hate each other, hate me and hate the world in general.

Honestly, I know there will probably be more snow in my future before Spring officially rolls in on March 20th — and maybe even after that, darn it, since this is Ohio.

Honestly, I am so glad to see a light at the end of the tunnel, I can't stop smiling.



  1. Congratulations on making it through another winter. I can't say enough how I think anyone who stays in side for the entire winter with children needs to be presented with purple hearts. Such heroics are never praised enough. And here you are able to produce beautiful art work too. You are my hero!!!

  2. Ooh Karen, I think you are really ready for a spring break!

  3. Bless your heart, it's amazing you aren't heavily medicated by this point. That mommy business is hard work. How many weeks of vacation a year do you get with that job???

    None? No? I'd call the union rep.

  4. Pat -- I don't know about a purple heart, but I think combat pay should be instigated. ;-)

    Jill -- definitely! Although just being able to sit outside in the sun is making me feel better. Maybe I should look into Vitamin D supplements?

    Speck -- I have, on occasion, been known to point out that stay-at-home-parents (I know more than a few SAH-Dads) don't get days off. My husband is really great, though. He knows when it's time to take the kids for a Saturday at the zoo or over to his folks for an afternoon so I can have a break. He also makes sure vacations include hotel rooms without kitchen and laundry facilities and lots of meals on the town. Gotta love him!


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