Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rough Week ...

... and it ain't over yet.


Today is Punkette's sixth birthday and while she's very happy, Punk has been sick since Monday and isn't particularly enthused about anything.

Double Sigh.

I took him to the doctor yesterday, got him on antibiotics and he's on the mend, but he's not quite up to Punkette's spaghetti and meatball birthday dinner. And don't even get me started on cake and ice cream.

Triple Sigh.

Speaking of cake, I'm not a cake decorator and I don't even play one on TV. I took a class back in my single days and it's become a tradition that I make the kids' cakes. I just finished Punkette's Pink Poodle cake. It's really pink and it was harder than it looked. I have hands that hurt and a mess of a kitchen to prove it.

I suppose I should go clean it.

Quadruple Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute cake! Happy Punkette Birthday and I hope Punk feels better after a couple of days on antibiotics. He's had a bad run of it lately. Hope it is over with.


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