Friday, May 27, 2011

Not Looking For Sympathy.

The Punks are outside tossing the ball around with their dad. Unfortunately, Punkette seems to be having some issues with catching. I made the mistake of asking if she was okay.

I'm not sure when the injury policy around here changed. Used to be they came running to me when they were hurt and now all I hear is, "I'm fine!"

And then a lot of sniffling and door slamming.

I tried not saying anything, but I don't think that was the right response either. She stormed by yelling, "Aren't you even going to ask if I'm okay?"

This is one of those things I'm not going to figure out, isn't it?


  1. Aha! Your "mother's mind reading" abilities are being put to the test. Sooner or later they find out you aren't infallible, superhuman, perfect, and don't know everything they think in their heads. Let the games begin--ROFL! ;)

    I love the way you draw. You can see the outlines and basic shapes of things so well. No wonder I am not very good at drawing--LOL! Great sketch! :)

  2. Yeh, kind of sounds that way. Is she okay?:) Love the drawing.


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