Friday, December 17, 2010

Crafting Again.

Santa, a couple snowmen and some beads.

A small herd of reindeer.
I had fun helping at Punkette's party today. It's always interesting to see how they are at school ... although I doubt I see a true representation when I'm there.


Punk was a little miffed that I didn't help in his classroom, but I made it up to him. The helpers have to leave a half hour before school ends to make way for the buses.

And they let you take your Punks with you, so I busted him out early and he was all smiles.

Since we got home before I normally leave to get them, I decided we had time to try the cornstarch clay creations. The Punk played with his cars instead, but Punkette and I had some fun. She decided she would make the reindeer ... you know ... Cosmic and Dixon and Olive.

*grin again*

She left Santa up to me. Oh, and she let me do a snowman, too, because she thought her's would be lonely without a friend.

Always thinking, that girl.


  1. Its nice that they still want you to help in there classrooms. Mine are in middle and high school now. No helping. No way! That would be way too embarrassing for them!

  2. Getting out of school early is always a treat!
    Those figurines are really cute and I'm sure you'll paint them and the beads with pretty designs and colors. Looks like such fun! Good job, Punkette!! :)


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