Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another In Progress.

Step One-ish: Go over light pencil lines with ink. Add dark shadows.
I came to the conclusion (in the middle of the night) that thinking and obsessing about what I need to get done isn't actually accomplishing anything (except giving me a headache). Instead I decided it was time to make a list of what I need to do and start knocking things out.

The craft fair I'm gearing up for is the 11th Annual Fall Into Christmas Craft Fair sponsored by the Sts. Joseph and John School PTU. I'm thinking, therefore, that I probably need a holiday-ish product or two, so first on my to-do list is to illustrate a poinsettia blossom. And if I like it, my Christmas card will be done for this year, too. Bonus!

I like to see the process other artists go through, so I thought I'd share mine with you on this project.

After finding some reference photographs in my files to work from, I lightly sketch the image on the paper in pencil. Then I go back over that in ink and add my handy-dandy lines to shade the darkest darks.

Tomorrow I'll start adding the shadows cast by the leaves and hopefully get some color down.

Check back to see how far I get.


  1. this would make a cool drawing in itself - i like the outlines in black against the solid color.

  2. Oh yes--lists help keep the mind from spinning while you are lying in bed. Once you have it on paper then you can kind of let go of it. I have kept a scratch pad next to the bed for years for that very reason--hehe!

    I love when people show their step-by-steps! Really looking forward to seeing this take shape. And you can kill two birds with one stone, as they say. ;) Nice!


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