Friday, June 11, 2010

Mommy (and Daddy) & Me Time.

I'm heading down to southern Ohio today to visit with my parents. On my own. By myself.

I'm doing my best to turn off the mom-guilt, but honestly, I need a break. I'm looking forward to ...
  • the four-hour car ride sans questions, punches and debates over who touched who first.
  • going to the bathroom without someone following me ... heck, even the dog goes in with me when the Punks are at school. 
  • a night without anyone snoring, wanting their covers pulled up or lullabies turned back on.
  • a few uninterrupted conversations with my parents.
  • visits to a couple of art museums and stores and other places kids don't like.
  • meals that everyone eats without complaining ... unless mom makes chicken livers, butterfield potatoes and asparagus. There will be complaining and whining and copious amounts of tears then.
Oh wait! I'm a grown-up ...  I'll just head to Micky-D's!

Anyway, I'm outta here for a couple of days. Have fun while I'm gone and catch you on the flip side.


  1. Yay for you, Karen! Enjoy your grown-up's one of the best things you can do for yourself!

    Gorgeous photo, by the way - love that color!

  2. Hey, Karen,

    I hope you have a great visit. My Mom lives 4 hours north of me in Michigan's UP and though my kids are grown, I still enjoy the quiet of a 4 hour ride with my iPod for company and always have a great visit.

    Your blog is very inspiring to me; love the photo!


  3. Sounds great, I remember so well what it was like to visit my parents. Enjoy!

    My verification word was 'mizing' kind of a cross between musing and missing. Don't you think?

  4. Sounds heavenly! Mom's definitely need breaks once in a while. A good long break--hehe! Have a glorious time!! :)

    And that is an absolutely stunning rose!!!!

  5. that time off is essential! so glad you were able to stave off the mommy guilt. it's amazing how doing something as little as going to art museums and other places that our kids don't like can move worlds in us - reminding us of who we are as individual people. i hope you had a wonderful trip. the four hour car ride alone would be like medicine to me!

  6. Enjoy your grown up time and don't feel guilty - kids will be there when you get back.Loving your art, it gets better every day :-)


Thank you for visiting! I'm so happy you stopped by!
