Saturday, April 24, 2010

There Is Too Much.

Let me sum up ...


  1. Karen, love the drawing!!! Very nice.... Also nice to find your blog, look forward to following along,

  2. And I thought I was busy! Love the sketch. I'm always on a quest for the "perfect" bag.

  3. Thanks ladies! There must be a perfect bag out there and I thought this was it ... until someone asked what I needed a diaper bag for. Sigh.

  4. Absolutely the type of drawing that attracted me to your site ... love it, and the bag!

  5. Jill, thank you! I've missed doing them. A lot. Time to dive back into my sketchbook.

  6. oh, diaper bag my tushie! that looks like a fine container. and finely drawn, too. my first grader would be totally envious if she read this passage, as she's only lost one tooth and that's only because the dentist pulled it and he's threatening to pull the second. they just do not want to come out!

  7. Oh, poor girl. We don't have that problem around here. The Punk is 7-1/2 and has already lost eight teeth. The Punkette is on the same schedule, so I figure in the next year she'll catch up.

    Tell your girl to eat fruit chews. They always work around here to get the stubborn ones out! ;-)

  8. Love the sketch! Well done!

    A new avatar? I like!!


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