Tuesday, July 20, 2010

There's A Color Combo For You!

I've always found a blank page can be a stumbling block for me. I started pre-inking my backgrounds and that's helped on several levels.

  1. No blank page intimidation.
  2. The color can often influence my subject choice.
  3. Cuts down on the number of messes I make — instead of dragging out the stamp pads daily, I often do several at one time.
  4. If I ink a few backgrounds while I still have some colored, but not drawn on, I save on drying time, too.
Actually, the only downside I've found is the background color sometimes clashes with what I decide to draw. Instead of skipping around, though, I just go with it. If I don't feel like tackling the challenge of making the colors work, I just ink the subject and call it a day.


  1. Ahhh Google: http://homecooking.about.com/od/howtocookbasics/ss/cutmango.htm

    I just cut it in slices, and then trim the skin off after that if I'm cooking with them. Otherwise, I cut it into slices and then eat the tasty mango meat off the skin if I'm just eating the thing. :)

  2. Your mango is beautiful! ;o) Did you find out how to cut it? I've read the best way is to slice it on each side of the seed which is long and flat (like a stone for skipping) Then score the flesh to scoop or cut away from the skin. I doubt that makes sense without being able to see what I mean. Maybe there's a tutorial online....
    yep! Not sure if your account will allow links, but here's a try; http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/how_to_cut_a_mango/

    Enjoy it, we love them!

  3. Lovely painting!! I hope you and the family enjoy the mango. I was introduced to them by a friend from Kuala Lumpur. They taste like summer in the tropics to me.


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