Wednesday, July 28, 2010


(Ink & Colored Pencil on Mi-teintes Canson Paper, 12" x 12")

Have I mentioned how much I love working in colored pencil? It's my favorite medium, but it's so time-consuming — not to mention messy with all the shavings — that I haven't done much with it since having the Punks.

This piece, though, may have convinced me to pick up my pencils more often. I certainly can't get rich, saturated colors like that in watercolor.

There are a few things I want to do still. I need to darken the veins in the orange leaf in the top left. I'm thinking about trying to push back the negative space even more, although this has a lot of depth already. Sometimes I just go to far, so I'll live with it for a bit.

What do you think? Any suggestions would be welcome.


  1. I think it's perfect just as it is! Wonderful!!

  2. OK, you asked. Here's what I think:

    The bottom tier of leaves and the upper green one are breathtakingly realistic. The central and dark green one not so much. I think it's because there is no dark in their veining. There needs to be something more in there somewhere to make them appear more 3D.

    The surface of the right third of the central leaf looks too smooth and uniform. It could use some variation...a dark spot, a highlight. Same with the dark green leaf. Texture; they need texture.

    I concur with your thoughts on pushing back the negative space. That will really make the leaves pop right off the page.

    Just my $0.02.

  3. I agree with Speck in that the middle leaf and, moreso, the left two seem unfinished. I'm not talented enough to tell you what they need, but they look smooth and blander than the ones underneath. Seems like they do need some texture or definition or flaws or specks or darkness in the veins or something? Not that I could do this good at all or even know what I am talking about. But--you asked.

    Maybe you were just getting tired of working on it and need to let it sit for a while and come back to it? I'm sure you would look at it with fresh eyes. Well--now you have 4 cents. ;)


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