Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Draws to a Close ...

... quietly over here in Bladosville.

I've been drawing, folding clothes and reading.

The minions are determined to stay up until midnight. They don't care about the ball dropping in Times Square. In fact, they'd rather watch the Mythbusters marathon. They just get a charge out of staying up later than mom – I usually give up around 10:30 – and poking dad awake from his slumber on the couch.

Yeah, we really know how to greet the New Year in style!

I hope wherever you are, you ring in 2015 safely with all the fun and frivolity you can stand.

Best Wishes and Thank You for visiting. See you next year!


1 comment:

  1. love your nutcracker girl, I hear you about new years, we never make it up to 12:00 , last night 10:00 was our time for lights out. lol


Thank you for visiting! I'm so happy you stopped by!
